Union Sword displayed  at Clover Center

The sword pictured below was donated to the park in April 2000 by the Butler family. 

Union Officer's sword
Union Officer's sword on display at the Clover Visitor Center

In June of 1864, Union Cavalry forces moved south on the Richmond & Danville Railroad toward the bridge across the Staunton River.  Arriving at Randolph Station they selected Mulberry Hill plantation as their headquarters to plan the attack on the bridge. Due to its elevation and commanding view they also set up artillery on the grounds.

While they occupied Mulberry Hill, they took young Donald McPhail's pony and he began to cry. As compensation for his loss a Union officer gave the boy this sword. The sword hung in the Mulberry Hill home until it was donated to the park museum.  

Mulberry Hill plantation
Mulberry Hill plantation - April 2001


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